a Go logging library designed to be easy, efficient, fast, and lightweight with zero allocations. It offers advanced logging customization options and serves as an alternative to Zerolog and Logrus.

📦 Installation

To get started with LAGRA, you can add it to your Go project using go get:

go get

📖 Documentation

To read the documentation, go to

🚀 Features and Advantages

LAGRA offers several features and advantages that make it a solid choice for your Go logging needs:

  1. Easy to Use: LAGRA is designed for simplicity. You can start logging with just a few lines of code.

  2. Efficiency and Zero Allocation: LAGRA is resource-efficient and minimizes memory allocations, ensuring high performance.

  3. Log Levels: It supports different log levels (debug, info, warning, error) so you can control the granularity of recorded messages.

  4. Customization: You can customize the log message output format to suit different contexts and project requirements.

  5. Log Destinations: In addition to printing logs to the console, LAGRA allows you to direct logs to different destinations, such as files, network outputs, or even third-party systems.

  6. Simple Configuration: LAGRA’s configuration is straightforward and human-readable, making log customization easy.

  7. Extensive Documentation: The library comes with comprehensive documentation and usage examples to help you make the most of its features.

  8. Open Source License: LAGRA is distributed under the BSD-3-Clause license, allowing you to use it in both commercial and open-source projects without restrictions.

  9. Active Community: The Go developer community is active and ready to provide support and contributions to LAGRA.

LAGRA is a solid choice for those seeking an efficient, user-friendly, and highly customizable logging solution in Go.

A creation of Wesley Yan Soares Brehmer, the CEO/Founder of SwankyNoob. Under BSD-3-Clause license.